Wednesday 27 February 2013

Confessions and the Start of a New(ish) Trail

Well, I think the time has come for some confessions, accountability, and motivation to start down a new(ish) trail for me. What is this trail you ask? The trail of kicking some mega-butt and knocking off a few extra pounds. You see, I'm one of those people that comes up with great ideas ... but tends to slack off on them after a while. Well, no longer! It's time to get my butt in gear and do something I've wanted to for a long time--actually lose weight.


First off, some confessions to make.
1) I LOVE food. I just gotta be straight up--I have a really hard time surrendering to healthy food because I love all kinds of food. I think God has gifted me with this love of food (because it means I love cooking and baking and hosting), but I also need to develop some more self-control and healthy habits.
2) I love working out ... just not as much as I love food. Anyone who knows me knows that I love the YMCA, I love a good sweat, I love group fitness, and I love being active. I love the way it makes me feel. It just makes me really hungry.
3) I am always HUNGRY. Which is partially why I've never had success losing weight. It seems like the more active and healthy I am, the hungrier I get. It's massively frustrating to be constrantly hungry. It's what drives me to lose motivation 99% of the time.
4) I don't actually believe I can do this. Yeah, I feel like I'm stuck. That I'll never achieve the goal of losing a few pounds. I have mega-doubts based on my past record. But that's what leads me to the next topic ...


Now that it's out there, I've got some accountability. If you're reading this, you're my accountability. I need your help. If you don't care about this at all, that's fine. But if you do, help me out. I need people to encourage me to eat healthier even if it's not as fun as junk food. I need people to encourage me with my big goals and show me it's possible. I need people to push me, because I can be a slacker.


Hopefully by next blog post, I will have decided on a goal to motivate me. I'm looking into a half-marathon, 10k run, or Tough Mudder. So I'll keep you posted!

Closing Thoughts ...

This is just the beginning of my blog-accountability. I'm pretty pumped to use my blog as a place to vent, to share recipes, to share successes (and hopefully not failures), to ask for help, to motivate me to do things I never thought possible. So, if you're interested, keep watching. I'll be posting more!